Explore local food chain investment opportunities with Slow Money Hawaii
The Hawaii Slow Money Network connects community members who care about their food and food sources with visionary farm and food entrepreneurs. We follow up either individually or as a hui (group) with these entrepreneurs for further conversations, questions, and tours. All islands are represented by agricultural entrepreneurs with exciting and innovative projects who have contacted us to explore loan opportunities. If you’d like to join in the conversation and check out projects being considered for loans, scroll down and fill out the form below. We will follow up with you.
If you're on a tight budget you can still be a Slow Money lender. With as little as $25 you can make a loan on Kiva, an online crowd-lending platform. Join the Slow Money Hawaii lending team on Kiva to be notified whenever a new Hawaii borrower launches a food or farm related loan campaign. Read more about KIVA here and mark the KIVA checkbox on the form below to learn more.
Disclaimer: Slow Money Hawaii does not give investment advice, endorsement, analysis or recommendations with respect to any securities or investment. Slow Money Hawaii is not a broker, venture fund, or an investment adviser, nor do Slow Money Hawaii activities constitute an offer to buy or sell securities.